The "Confined Space Entry Procedures Covering Escape Breathing Apparatus" course is designed for companies whose staff may be required to enter areas that are classified as confined spaces and which may pose a risk of serious injury or death. This course will cover the Confined Space Regulations 1997 in detail and the aim of this course will be to provide awareness of a safe working environment within a confined space. Delegates will be made aware of procedures to ensure a safe access and egress from a confirmed space and to have emergency procedures in place in the event of an emergency arising whilst operators are working in the confined space.
Any persons that are expected to enter and work within a low - medium risk confined space.
Interpretation and recognition of confined spaces
Applications and duties under the Regulations
Risk assessment
Preventing the need for entry
Safe working in confined spaces
Use of a permit to work
Use of gas detection equipment
Use of escape breathing apparatus sets
Use of personal protection, tripod, winch, safety lines andharnesses
Ventilation equipment
Monthly maintenance checks, manning levels
Methods of communications
Personal hygiene
Emergency and rescue procedures
First aid
Fire safety