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About Us

Ian F. Cliffen - Managing Director

Training Course Broker was registered with Companies House 07th July 2017, and the website was launched 01st March 2018.

Having started in very labour intensive manufacturing industries in 1977, it was very apparent that training was the key to running efficient businesses.

20 years as an expat based in the Middle East, Far East and Sub-continent running production units re-enforced the need for training. As the Middle East had little or no indigenous labour class the workers had to be imported, the cost of which was expensive. Labour retention was therefore key. Training and safety were therefore of major importance - happy well trained workers were eager to renew their contracts and costs / downtime were minimised.

On returning to the UK in 2010 I took a job as Business Manager with Corporate Risk Systems Ltd (CRS - a small privately owned business based in Burton-upon-Trent). In 2012 I became a Director and part owner. We delivered CITB, IOSH, IEMA, NEBOSH and NVQ's as open and in-house courses. With 10 Hotel based venues and 34 tutors (pre-dominantly associates) the business under my directorship doubled in size and profitability.

It was clear that a good pool of tutors and venues along with a solid platform to advertise events was an absolute necessity. I advertised on every broker site that I could find and found that the extra sale or two from each site made a good difference to the event profitability. Getting money from the brokers did present quite a challenge at times especially in one notable case where the Doncaster based broker went into liquidation owing sizeable sums.

In 2014 we sold the company to Hendersons Insurance Brokers Ltd (HIBL). I was made redundant in May 2017 and I decided to create this company.

Hendersons Insurance Brokers Ltd was sold a couple of years later and CRS was unfortunately closed.

With this background I believe that we are well placed to understand the needs of training companies to fill places on their courses, but also to understand the needs of delegates to find a suitable, effective training company.

If you can't find the course that you are looking for, please leave a message on the contact us page and we will try to source it for you.

Ian F. Cliffen

Managing Director