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ProTrainings Europe Ltd
(ProTrainings)Qualifications and Training Course Selector.

If you've ever been forced to sit through a boring, standardised first aid course, then you will understand our motivation for creating ProTrainings. We believe people learn best when they're engaged and having fun learning.

We began by building a network of like-minded instructors who shared our ethos of health and safety training that's fun, engaging and interactive - not dull and boring.

Training should also be more affordable and flexible if you're aiming to reach as many people as possible.

This is best accomplished through online and blended courses, combined with a sprawling instructor network. Reaching millions of people with life-saving training is now a reality.

Please click on the tabs below to select qualification level           Visit ProTrainings web site
* All courses are delivered by the awarding bodies approved centres
Qualifications Listed - 558     Registered Training Providers - 197     Venues Listed - 549     Events Listed - 265