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RTITB Qualifications and Training Course Selector | Training Course Broker Ltd

Road Transport Industry Training Board
(RTITB)Qualifications and Training Course Selector.

Below are the descriptions for the The Water Jetting Association courses:

RTITB - The Water Jetting Association

RTITB sets industry leading training standards specifically designed to change behaviour and make measurable improvements to efficiency, risk and safety.

As the preferred regulatory body for workplace transport training, our accreditation, audit, certification and instructor training services are reliable, robust and developed by a team dedicated to the common goal of keeping people safe.

In the last 2 years more than 268,000 delegates have been trained to RTITB standards in the UK, Ireland, India and the Middle East.

Please click on the tabs below to select qualification level           Visit RTITB web site
* All courses are delivered by the awarding bodies approved centres.
Qualifications Listed -
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