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Lantra Qualifications and Training Course Selector | Training Course Broker Ltd

Lantra Awards
(Lantra)Qualifications and Training Course Selector.

Below are the descriptions for the The Water Jetting Association courses:

Lantra - The Water Jetting Association

We're one of the leading awarding bodies for land-based industries in both the UK and the Republic of Ireland. We develop quality training courses and nationally recognised qualifications that are delivered through a national network of training Provider Partners.

We develop training and qualifications in a wide range of areas, from forestry and horticulture, to agriculture and landscape, and much more besides. And because we're not for profit, we can focus on the needs of industry not shareholders.

Our courses are developed by industry experts who know the sector inside out. They include a mix of training only and assessed training options and are packed with practical skills and technical content to help you develop and succeed in your career.

We only work with the very best training Provider companies, Instructors and Assessors the industry has to offer.

With over 40 years' experience delivering high quality, specialist training, you could say it's in our DNA!

Please click on the tabs below to select qualification level           Visit Lantra web site
* All courses are delivered by the awarding bodies approved centres.
Qualifications Listed -
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