The NEBOSH National Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management is a qualification for those with fire safety responsibilities in the workplace.
It is already established as a popular qualification with around 110 providers offering courses in the UK and abroad, and over 7,500 candidates having already achieved the qualification.
How long does it take?
You should plan your study around a minimum of 70 taught hours and approximately 55 hours of private study and background reading.
The NEBOSH National Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management course certificate has 5 years validity.
It is recommended that you check with your course tutor for information on NEBOSH - National Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management refresher courses and their recommended frequency or the next step qualification.
The NEBOSH National Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management is suitable for Managers and supervisory staff who need to ensure that their organisation meets its responsibilities under fire safety legislation.
Courses leading to this qualification should equip holders to carry out fire risk assessments of most low risk workplaces and identify the range of fire protective and preventative measures required. It is therefore also suitable for people moving into fire safety adviser roles.
No previous health and safety or fire safety knowledge is required although it should be noted that the assessment includes a requirement to write a short report.
The NEBOSH National Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management course covers the management of health and safety and in particular fire safety including legal requirements. It also includes principles of fire and explosion, causes and prevention of fires, fire protection in buildings and ensuring the safety of people in the event of fire.
The content is designed to equip those studying it to undertake fire risk assessments in most, low risk workplaces.
The syllabus is mapped to both the National Occupational Standards for Health and Safety owned by Proskills and the Fire Safety NOS owned by SkillsPlus.
The qualification is divided into three units, each of which is assessed separately:
Management of Health and Safety (NGC1)*
Fire Safety and Risk Management (FC1)
Practical Fire Risk Assessment (FC2)
Students who have already passed NGC1 as part of a previous NEBOSH qualification do not need to re- take NGC1, provided it was achieved within the last 5 years.
If you achieved NGC1 more than 5 years ago, you may re-sit the examination without needing to attend a taught course.
Students will receive a unit certificate for each unit passed.
On successful completion of all units making up the NEBOSH National Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management, the student will receive the overall Qualification Parchment.
This modular structure provides greater flexibility enabling students to choose to study individual units in any order over a five year period.
Units NGC1 and FC1 are taught units each assessed by one two-hour written examination.
Each written examination consists of ten short-answer questions and one long-answer question.
All questions are compulsory.
Candidate scripts are marked by external examiners appointed by NEBOSH.
Unit FC2 is assessed by one four-hour fire risk assessment carried out in the candidateĀ“s workplace.
The assessment is marked by the accredited course provider and externally moderated by NEBOSH.
Candidates will be required to complete the FC2 assessment within 14 days of sitting the examination for units NGC1 and/or FC1.