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City-and-Guilds - Level 3 NVQ Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety syllabus

Is the Level 3 NVQ Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety course accredited by an official body?

Yes, this course is Accredited and certified by  :  City & Guilds (City-and-Guilds). This means that all training providers advertising their courses on this site must be an approved centre.
In most cases the awarding body (City-and-Guilds) will audit the centre to ensure the correct standard of teaching.
Visit City-and-Guilds web site

What is the City-and-Guilds - Level 3 NVQ Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety course?

Category: Health-and-Safety
Level: Intermediate

City and Guilds Level 3 NVQ Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety and Level 5 NVQ Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety Practice provide essential occupational health and safety knowledge and skills, from conducting risk assessments to introducing procedures and promoting a culture of health and safety in the workplace for those who are responsible for or looking to start a career in health and safety in an organisation in any industry.

Level 3 NVQ Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety will develop the competency for those who wish to develop skills and knowledge in the application of occupational health and safety good practice within the workplace.

How much is the Level 3 NVQ Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety course?
As a broker we have a large number of Training Providers who advertise their courses with us. The lowest price we have is £1,628.50 and the highest price is £1,628.50 (These prices may include Classroom, e-Learning, Distance Learning In-House(On-Site) and Zoom options)   See Dates and Locations
Who is the City-and-Guilds - Level 3 NVQ Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety course designed for?

There are no formal entry requirements for the NVQ Level 3 in Occupational Health and Safety Practice; however candidates must be in a role that allows them to collect evidence which meets the requirements of City & Guilds.

This level is ideal if your job involves health and safety and you have experience of developing and applying policy and procedures within your organisation.

What subjects does the City-and-Guilds - Level 3 NVQ Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety course cover?

Mandatory Units

601 - Make sure your own actions reduce risks to health and safety

602 - Develop procedures to safety control work operations

603 - Monitor procedures to safety control work operations

604 - Promote a health and safety culture within the workplace

606 - Conduct a health and safety risk assessment of a workplace

Plus 2 of the Optional Units

605 - Investigate and evaluate health and safety incidents and complaints in the workplace

607 - Make sure your actions within the workplace aim to protect the environment

608 - Review health and safety procedures in workplaces

609 - Supervise the health, safety and welfare of a learner in the workplace

610 - Basic hazard awareness (knowledge unit)

How is the City-and-Guilds - Level 3 NVQ Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety course assessed?

The City and Guilds Level 3 NVQ Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety (3654-03) qualification requires that all assessment of the candidates performance must take place within the workplace and that observation should be of naturally occurring practice within the candidates work role.

This will include the demonstration of the application of knowledge.

Simulation is not allowed.

City & Guilds in partnership with ProSkills and other awarding organisations have identified the following main assessment methods which are suitable for this qualification:

direct observation of practice by a qualified assessor or by the expert witness for occupational specific units

examining the evidence by an assessor

questioning the candidate or witness by an assessor In some situations, the assessor can conduct a professional discussion with the candidate to provide evidence of the candidates performance and knowledge.

Evidence can:

reflect how the candidate carried out the process

be the product of a candidates work

be a product relating to the candidates competence.

For example, the process that the candidate carries out could be recorded in an observation or witness testimony. It is the assessors responsibility to make sure that the evidence a candidate submits for assessment meets the requirements of the qualification.

The product of a candidates work could be:

risk assessments carried out by the candidate

health and safety training devised and/or delivered by the candidate

results of health and safety inspections conducted by the candidate

results and findings of accident investigations carried out by the candidate.

These are examples of what a candidate may present -

however, it is not a definitive list. The examples are not exhaustive.

What certificate do I get for passing the City-and-Guilds - Level 3 NVQ Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety course?
City-and-Guilds - Level 3 NVQ Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety (3654-03)
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