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CITB - Temporary Works Supervisor Training Course syllabus

Is the Temporary Works Supervisor Training Course course accredited by an official body?

Yes, this course is Accredited and certified by  :  Construction Industry Training Board (CITB). This means that all training providers advertising their courses on this site must be an approved centre.
In most cases the awarding body (CITB) will audit the centre to ensure the correct standard of teaching.

What is the CITB - Temporary Works Supervisor Training Course course?

Category: Site-Construction-Courses
Level: Beginner

The course has the support of a number of organisations: Temporary Works Forum, CECA, Build UK, HSE and FMB. The support of these organisations offers transferability of the course within industry.

The course gives emphasis throughout to the importance of communication, co-ordination, co-operation and competency (the ´4Cs´), risk management, safety and business relations.

This course allows the Temporary Works Supervisor (TWS) to:

understand the need for and duties of a Temporary Works Supervisor

understand the role of others

have a detailed knowledge and understanding of BS5975 in respect of this role.

Temporary works are usually safety and business-critical and require careful supervision. An accepted way of achieving this is through the adoption of the management process outlined in BS5975 which introduces the Temporary Works Supervisor. This course explains the role and the overall management context within which it sits. High risk can occur on small as well as larger sites hence understanding the essentials of good safety risk management, as outlined in BS5975, is relevant for projects of all sizes

Who is the CITB - Temporary Works Supervisor Training Course course designed for?

The Temporary Works Supervisor Training Course (TWSTC) is designed to assist Managers, Supervisors, Agents and Personnel on site who have responsibility for supervising all forms of temporary works.

What subjects does the CITB - Temporary Works Supervisor Training Course course cover?

Risk management of temporary works - safety and business related

The importance of the ´4Cs´ communications, co-operation, co-ordination and competency in managing temporary works as a Temporary Works Supervisor

Legal duties

The roles and responsibilities of the Temporary Works Supervisor

The role of other temporary work process

An understanding of the relevant aspects if BS 5975:2008+A1:2011.

How is the CITB - Temporary Works Supervisor Training Course course assessed?

1 day of training: you must attend the full 7.5 hours.

Examination at the end of the day: multiple choice test. You need to pass this to gain your certificate.

What certificate do I get for passing the CITB - Temporary Works Supervisor Training Course course?
CITB - Temporary Works Supervisor Training Course
Qualifications Listed - 558     Registered Training Providers - 197     Venues Listed - 549     Events Listed - 264