The aim of the test is to examine knowledge across a wide range of topics to improve safety and productivity on site. It is usually taken as a PC-based touch screen test.
The CITB CSCS-Touch Screen Test course certificate has 1 year validity.
It is recommended that you check with your course tutor for information on CITB - CSCS-Touch Screen Test refresher courses and their recommended frequency or the next step qualification.
This test is for the Labourers GREEN card and it is strongly recommended that you sit the CITB - Health and Safety Awareness course before attempting this test.
legal and management
health and welfare
general safety
high risk activities
The HS&E test is made up of 50 questions covering five core knowledge areas:
legal and management
health and welfare
general safety
high risk activities
Candidates have 45 minutes to answer the 50 questions. The test now includes new question styles. Behavioural case studies are also used in the test to check a candidateĀ“s understanding of health, safety and environmental issues, and how to behave safely on-site.
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