This course is for current holders of the SPA Petrol Retail Forecourt Contractors Passport.
The Course Aim is to build on the basic Health and Safety information of the Core Day programme by concentrating on risks specifically found
with working on a Petrol Filling Station.
To allow delegates to recognise hazards, utilise control measures and safe working practices and maintain a safe working environment.
The SPA Petrol Retail Forecourt Contractors Renewal course certificate has 3 years validity.
It is recommended that you check with your course tutor for information on SPA - Petrol Retail Forecourt Contractors Renewal refresher courses and their recommended frequency or the next step qualification.
The SPA Safety Passport is a requirement for all contractors undertaking work on petrol filling stations.
Hazards on a Petrol Filling Station
Module Content:-
Types of hazards
Fuel hazards
Fuel properties
Restricted areas on a petrol forecourt
Hazardous areas
Zone classification
Delivery hazards
Vapour recovery
Customer hazards
Other hazards
Contractor hazards
Controlling Work on a Forecourt
Module Content:-
Safety method statements
Clearance certificates
Permits to work
Task classification
Module 1: complete a hazard spotting based exercise on a picture of a petrol station.
Module 2: complete a risk assessment based on your own work task at your petrol station and,determine control measures to reduce risk.
SPA Petrol Retail Forecourt Contractors Passport valid for 3 years.
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