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NPORS - Crane Supervisor-N405 syllabus

Is the Crane Supervisor-N405 course accredited by an official body?

Yes, this course is Accredited and certified by  :  National Plant Operators Registration Scheme (NPORS). This means that all training providers advertising their courses on this site must be an approved centre.
In most cases the awarding body (NPORS) will audit the centre to ensure the correct standard of teaching.

What is the NPORS - Crane Supervisor-N405 course?

Category: Plant-Operations
Level: Intermediate

The aim of this course is to provide candidates with underpinning knowledge in order for them to understand the role and responsibility of the Crane Supervisor. Following successful completion of the course candidates will be able to understand and follow safe systems of work for lifting operations including writing risk assessments and method statements.

How much is the Crane Supervisor-N405 course?
As a broker we have a large number of Training Providers who advertise their courses with us. The lowest price we have is £845.00 and the highest price is £845.00 (These prices may include Classroom, e-Learning, Distance Learning In-House(On-Site) and Zoom options)   See Dates and Locations
Who is the NPORS - Crane Supervisor-N405 course designed for?

The NPORS N405 course aims to provide the candidate with a thorough practical and theory training in Supervising Lifting Operations in order to to enable the candidate to pass the NPORS Theory and Practical Tests.

What subjects does the NPORS - Crane Supervisor-N405 course cover?

Explain the duties, responsibilities and limitations of: an Appointed Person, a Crane Supervisor, a Crane Operator, a Crane Co-ordinator, a Slinger, a signaler, a crane erector, and maintenance personnel.

State requirements of legislation, regulations, and Codes of Practice that relate to all types of lifting duties.

Explain maintenance, inspection, thorough examination and testing requirements for lifting equipment and accessories.

State requirements that allow safe site access and egress for typical lifting equipment.

Explain additional requirements for loads to be lifted from height.

Explain the function and use off, and use information provided by RCIs and anti-collision systems.

Describe setting up, erection, leveling and dismantling requirements for different types of lifting equipment and lifts.

List different types of lifting accessories and explain typical applications.

Identify and explain relevant information relating to different types of lifting accessories i.e. markings, certificates and through examination reports, etc.

Calculate sling sizes and angles.

Explain slinging techniques for given loads including balanced, unbalanced and loose.

Verify appropriate lifting accessories for given types of loads in accordance with a given method statement.

Confirm weights and centers of gravity for different types of loads in accordance with a given method statement.

Describe and demonstrate different types of communication methods for lifting purposes.

Communicate the lift plan information to others involved in a lifting operation.

Report and explain positive and negative aspects of a typical lift following the operation to the Appointed Person

Identify Potential hazards and unsafe lifting practices using given lifting scenarios.

Evaluate and explain how environmental factors and the surrounding area external to the lift zone can affect the planned lifting operation.

Prepare an area, with exclusion zones, from given lifting plans, ensuring safe access / egress routes for before, during and after the lift.

Mark the position of lifting equipment according to a given plan.

Verify potential proximity and underground hazards from given plans and drawings.

Confirm personnel requirements to meet the lift plan

Mark the position of lifting accessories and prepare load spreading systems as required.

Confirm lifting equipment configuration from given plans.

Control a lifting operation using a given lifting plan.

How is the NPORS - Crane Supervisor-N405 course assessed?

To achieve the NPORS Operators Card candidates must pass both the NPORS Theory and Practical Test.

What certificate do I get for passing the NPORS - Crane Supervisor-N405 course?
NPORS - Crane Supervisor-N405
Qualifications Listed - 558     Registered Training Providers - 197     Venues Listed - 549     Events Listed - 264