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NEBOSH - National Diploma in Environmental Management syllabus

Is the National Diploma in Environmental Management course accredited by an official body?

Yes, this course is Accredited and certified by  :  The National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH). This means that all training providers advertising their courses on this site must be an approved centre.
In most cases the awarding body (NEBOSH) will audit the centre to ensure the correct standard of teaching.
Visit NEBOSH web site

What is the NEBOSH - National Diploma in Environmental Management course?

Category: Environmental
Level: Advanced

The NEBOSH Diploma in Environmental Management is designed for individuals with responsibilities for the management of environmental risk in relation to the damage caused by work activities. It will be invaluable for those aiming to develop and implement effective environmental management systems within their organisations. Since its launch in 1992, over 2,400 candidates have achieved the Environmental Diploma.
How much does it cost and how long does it take?

Course fees are determined by individual course providers and vary depending on the format of the course. You should plan your study around a minimum of 119 taught hours and approximately 71 hours of private study and background reading.
What are the benefits for employers?

Environmental awareness has grown over the past decade, with an increasing variety of organisations realising the tangible benefits to be gained from the adoption of environmental management programmes. Appropriate waste minimisation and energy efficiency initiatives can result in significant cost savings for many organisations.

Holders of this diploma will be able to advise their organisation on the environmental impacts of their activities, on their legal obligations and on the means of continuously improving their environmental performance as part of an integrated management approach.

How long is the NEBOSH - National Diploma in Environmental Management certificate valid for?

The NEBOSH National Diploma in Environmental Management course certificate has 5 years validity.

It is recommended that you check with your course tutor for information on NEBOSH - National Diploma in Environmental Management refresher courses and their recommended frequency or the next step qualification.

Who is the NEBOSH - National Diploma in Environmental Management course designed for?

The NEBOSH Diploma in Environmental Management is intended for safety professionals and managers who are taking on environmental responsibilities.

A background knowledge of health and safety is recommended.

Whilst there are no formal entry requirements for this qualification, prospective candidates should be aware this is a professional level qualification.- approximately equivalent to degree level.

Foundation knowledge of health and safety (eg, the NEBOSH National General Certificate) is advantageous but not essential.

What subjects does the NEBOSH - National Diploma in Environmental Management course cover?

The NEBOSH Diploma in Environmental Management covers the control measures for major types of environmental risk. It incorporates the main elements of UK and EC legislation for environmental protection and general principles of the management of environmental risk, including:

Waste minimisation strategies

Effects of hazardous substances

Energy efficiency

Control of pollution.

How is the NEBOSH - National Diploma in Environmental Management course assessed?

The NEBOSH Diploma in Environmental Management is assessed by a three-hour written examination and a workplace-based project.

Examination scripts are marked by external examiners appointed by NEBOSH.

The approximately 4,000 words workplace-based project is internally assessed by the course provider and externally moderated by NEBOSH.

Students must successfully complete both parts of the assessment (project and examination) within two years of the result declaration for the first unit successfully completed, in order to achieve the qualification.

What certificate do I get for passing the NEBOSH - National Diploma in Environmental Management course?
NEBOSH - National Diploma in Environmental Management
Qualifications Listed - 558     Registered Training Providers - 197     Venues Listed - 549     Events Listed - 264