Highfields security qualifications are fully endorsed by the SIA and regulated by Ofqual, Qualifications Wales and CCEA.
This regulated qualification is designed for those learners who undertook their door supervisor qualification prior to the launch of the regulated door supervisor qualification. If successfully achieved, it allows them to meet their mandatory top-up requirements for door supervisors and to retain their SIA licence. It is based on the relevant SIA specification for learning and qualifications, and subjects covered include understanding relevant counter-terrorism issues, queue management and physical intervention.
This qualification is designed for those learners who undertook their door supervision qualification prior to the launch of the QCF/SCQF door supervision qualification. It allows them to meet their mandatory top-up requirements for door supervisors and retain their SIA licence.
To complete this qualification learners are expected to undertake 18-hours of learning. The SIA stipulates a minimum of 12.5contact hours (2-days) if flexible
distance learning is undertaken. Please refer to Highfield´s qualification specification for further details on suitable methods of distance learning.
Topics covered
These include identifying the differences between defensive physical skills and physical interventions, the importance of dynamic risk assessments in situations where physical intervention skills are used, effective deterrents to terrorist activities and duty of care requirements when dealing with children and young people.
This qualification is assessed by the following methods:
Unit 1: Physical Intervention Skills within the Private Security Industry
Assessed in two parts. Part one is a practical test and part two is a written test set by Highfield. Learners must achieve a 100% pass mark for both tests.
Unit 2: Safety Awareness for Door Supervisors within the Private Security Industry
Assessed by an externally set and externally marked 15-question MCQ paper. Learners must achieve a 70% pass mark.
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