The CPCS Crawler Crane A02 course
The CPCS Crawler Crane A02 course certificate has 2 years validity.
It is recommended that you check with your course tutor for information on CPCS - Crawler Crane A02 refresher courses and their recommended frequency or the next step qualification.
The CPCS Crawler Crane A02 course aims to provide thorough practical and theory training in operating a Crawler Crane. This enables the candidate to competently and safely carry out the role and pass the CPCS Theory and Practical Tests.
Name and explain the purpose of principle components, the basic construction, controls and terminology
Conform with manufacturers requirements as per the operators handbook, other types of information source and relevant regulations and legislation
Undertake all pre-use checks
Configure and ready for travel
Travel the crane to an area of work
Manoeuvre in confined spaces
Configure the crane for lifting duties
Explain rigging and de-rigging procedures when fitting a lattice-type extension
Explain actions required for hazards, underground and overhead services
Programme/set-up rated capacity indicators for lifting duties
Lift various loads using the full radius and slewing capabilities of a crane
Accurately place loads, Minimise the swinging of loads
Change falls of rope on a hook block
Move loads through machine travel and comply with signals and instructions
Maintain safe working situations
Prepare the crane in preparation of movement from lifting duties
Carry out shut down and securing procedures
Explain loading and unloading procedures for machine transporting
This course is for people with limited or no experience of operating a crawler crane.
It teaches you how to operate and maintain a crawler crane safely.
You gain the CPCS trained operator card (red card) on passing the CPCS technical test at the end.