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City-and-Guilds - Reassessed Streetworks Excavation and Reinstatement syllabus

Is the Reassessed Streetworks Excavation and Reinstatement course accredited by an official body?

Yes, this course is Accredited and certified by  :  City & Guilds (City-and-Guilds). This means that all training providers advertising their courses on this site must be an approved centre.
In most cases the awarding body (City-and-Guilds) will audit the centre to ensure the correct standard of teaching.
Visit City-and-Guilds web site

What is the City-and-Guilds - Reassessed Streetworks Excavation and Reinstatement course?

Category: Engineering-Construction
Level: Beginner

On 6 April 2017, new regulations come into force in England, The Street Works (Qualifications of Operatives and Supervisors) (England) Regulations 2016.

This has led to a change in certification for the Streetworks Excavation and Reinstatement qualification, where each of the 16 units can now be certificated.

There will now be two key certificates for operatives - Location & avoidance of underground apparatus and Signing, lighting and guarding. As well as two key certificates for supervisors - Location & avoidance of underground apparatus and Monitoring signing, lighting and guarding.

As long as you hold the key certificates, you can choose to hold as many or as few of the other units to suit the work that you do.

Who is the City-and-Guilds - Reassessed Streetworks Excavation and Reinstatement course designed for?

These qualifications are for those employed in carrying out and monitoring works on the highway and cover a range of skills from those who need to safeguard their work by signing lighting and guarding to carrying out excavation and re-instatement work. They are available for both operators and supervisors.

These qualifications provide routes to registration or re-registration on the Street Works Qualifications Register (SWQR) required under the New Roads and Streetworks Act 1991. Re-registration is required every 5 years.

What subjects does the City-and-Guilds - Reassessed Streetworks Excavation and Reinstatement course cover?

Reassessed Excavation in the Road/Highway - Unit 022 or 522

Reassessed Location and Avoidance of Underground Apparatus - Unit 020 or 520

Reassessed Monitoring Excavation in the Road/Highway - Unit 030 or 530

Reassessed Monitoring Reinstatement and Compaction of Backfill Materials - Unit 031 or 531

Reassessed Monitoring Reinstatement in Bituminous materials - Unit 033 or 533

Reassessed Monitoring Reinstatement of Concrete Slab - Unit 034 or 534

Reassessed Monitoring Reinstatement of Modular Surfaces and Concrete Footways - Unit 035 or 535

Reassessed Monitoring Reinstatement of Sub-base and Roadbase in Non-bituminous Materials - Unit 032 or 532

Reassessed Monitoring Signing, Lighting and Guarding - Unit 029 or 529

Reassessed Reinstatement and Compaction of Backfill Materials - Unit 023 or 523

Reassessed Reinstatement in Cold-lay Bituminous Materials - Unit 025 or 525

Reassessed Reinstatement in Hot-lay Bituminous Materials - Unit 026 or 526

Reassessed Reinstatement of Concrete Slabs - Unit 027 or 527

Reassessed Reinstatement of Modular Surfaces and Concrete Footways - Unit 028 or 528

Reassessed Reinstatement of Sub-base and Roadbase in Non-bituminous Materials - Unit 024 or 524

Reassessed Signing, Lighting & Guarding - Unit 021 or 521

How is the City-and-Guilds - Reassessed Streetworks Excavation and Reinstatement course assessed?

6157-02 re-assessments are suitable for operatives and supervisors who work on highways in England, are already registered on the SWQR and need to renew their registration.

What certificate do I get for passing the City-and-Guilds - Reassessed Streetworks Excavation and Reinstatement course?
City-and-Guilds - Reassessed Streetworks Excavation and Reinstatement
Qualifications Listed - 558     Registered Training Providers - 197     Venues Listed - 549     Events Listed - 264